Sunday, October 31, 2010

Post # 1

I never really fell in love with horror movies but, I kind of like them. The first time I actually watched a horror movie was when I was 7 years old. I was watching an Arabic movie, it was really scary but I liked the story of it. It was about this lady who used to dream of people getting killed and when she wakes up she finds out that they really got killed. After her dreams kept coming true she started to think that she was the one killing them in her sleep. So she asked her friend to spend the night with her to check if she gets up when she is sleeping or not. After suffering for a long time of trying to find out who is killing these people and why is she dreaming of them, she finally found out that the one who was killing the people she was dreaming of was her best friend. Her friend was doing that because she wanted to get rid of her because she likes her husband. I watched other scarier movies but this is the one that I liked. Some of the movies that I watched were really scary, and after I watch them I could never stop thinking about them, and sometimes I could get nightmares. I like to watch scary movies but I get really scared, so I never really know weather to watch it or not. The movie was called True Dreams, and some parts of the movie were related to the movies that we watched in class and the things we also studied in class. The main character's friend that turned out to be the killer was abnormal. This connects to Norman Bates in Psycho and Dr. Lenter in The Silence of the Lamb, because these two characters were abnormal too. They all were doing unusual things, Norman Bates acts like his mother, Dr. Lenter eats people, and the killer in True Dreams can know what her friend is dreaming about and she actually goes and kills the people. Also the camera angles were similar in True Dreams. In the scenes when someone is going to get killed, the camera moves in the point of view of the killer but we were never able to see who the killer was. Also the MCU (Medium Close Up) shot was used when someone was killed, the camera would zoom in on their face. Music was used a lot in the movie, when the killer is approaching someone there is always this suspense type of music that tells you that something bad is going to happen. The lighting also ha a big role in the movie, it was mostly dark though out the whole movie, bbut during the killing scenes it is usually dark with very light lightinig

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