Sunday, October 31, 2010

Post #2

I think that when writers use the supernatural in movies, it makes it scary.And when they use that there is like a demon or a devil inside of someone and how that person acts during that time makes it really scary, but some movies are not that scary when the supernatural is used in it, like the movie The Exorcist isn’t that scary even though the supernatural is used in it, I think it isn’t that scary because the scenes that were used when the devil was inside the girl were very few scenes. Because the scenes with girl in it is not that scary because it stays for a really short period of time and then goes to another scene that is not scary at all, make the audience forget about the scary parts that happened before. But if the scenes with the girl in it stays longer, and throughout most of the movie, the audience won’t forget them and they will stay scared through out the whole movie. But in other movies, when the supernatural is used in most parts of the movie it makes always suspense and you always want to know what is going to happen next..

I don’t know exactly if there is a supernatural in real life or not, because I never really thought about it. But from a long time ago, when I was little, I saw on TV that there was this man that was acting abnormally, and I didn’t really understand what was going on, but while the man was acting crazy and he wasn’t normal, and their was an Imam reading Quran to him. So I asked my parents why is the man acting like that, and why is the Imam from the Mosque holding the man down and reading Quran in his ear really loudly and they said that there is like a demon or a devil inside that person, and by the Imam reading Quran in the mans ear the demon will get out. But my questions was always how does the demon or devil get inside a person like that?

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