Sunday, October 31, 2010

Post #3

The movie The Exorcist is not that scary movie any more as how it used to be in 1973. More computer generated animations have been created now that can make movies scarier, so The Exorcist compared to movies nowadays, it is not that scary any more because we have saw scarier movies. Also most of the movie was boring and nothing scary was happening in it. Very few scenes had the girl in it, so that made the movie really boring and not scary. Scary movies now are just regular and not scary in the beginning, but right when they start the scary scenes, they stay that way for the rest of the movie, they keep you freaked out and sitting still in your seat wanting to know what is going to happen next. One of the scenes that I thought were kind of scary was where the girl was going down the stairs one her hands and feet, that scene was just a few seconds and it went to a different scene. So it made it not scary because they just cut it off right away, and they got a different scene where nothing scary or suspense was happening in it. Some of the scenes are not that scary anymore like the first scene that came when the devil was inside the girl, and she was acting crazy; the first time that scene came it was funny in the beginning but when it kept coming over and over again it wasn’t scary anymore. Because the director kept getting the same exact way of the girl acting in the other scenes that came after, maybe if they were different each time, and scarier each time, it would have been scarier. The movie was more funny than it was scary, the parts where the little girl was swearing that was the most funny parts in the movie. When she was screaming at the doctor and her mom, and hitting them, those scenes weren’t scary, they were funny. Another scene that wasn’t scary, was the scene where the girl’s head was spinning around, it was freaky the first time it happened, but it wasn’t scary. The scene that I thought was scary, was where the devil was talking to the priest and he said that his mom was in there with the, and the devil was using the priest’s moms voice to talk to the priest. And also that the devil knows your weakest points and he knows how to get to you. In the beginning I thought that, that was really his mother and the devil took her and she was in there with them, and that the devil took her so that the priest would feel guilty that he left his mother and went to his job after she kept telling him don’t leave me, and so that he would untie the girl and let her go. But overall the movie The Exorcist is not that scary anymore today compared to how scary it was in 1973.

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