Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Shining

The author in the book, The Shining is trying to tell us that sometimes people make mistakes because they are not in their usual personality, which then causes them to do things that they regret after that. In order for the author to be able to write a good book, he needs to know everything about all the characters, their personality, how do they act around people. By reading this book, I can tell that he doesn't like how the main character is acting toward his son, on that time when he was drunk and he beat his child, and his arm broke. The author seems like he didn't like that Jack did that to his son. I personally think the author wrote this book to tell the audience that drinking is wrong and sometimes it leads to things that you regret afterwards. But I didn't really like this book, because the author puts so much detail in his writing, which makes me lose what I am reading, and I start to forget what I am reading about, and what his happening in the book, also I get bored after a while. This book takes place in Overlook in Colorado. The best part in the book that describes the place is what happens in a certain time in the year, about that some people get locked into the hotel for weeks and they are not able to get out. I have never been to a place like that, but the nature around the area of the hotel was beautiful, and I would love to visit a place like this someday. Like we saw in the movie, all the mountains and trees around that area look beautiful.